People hear the word meditation and immediately picture a man in maroon robes sitting crossed legged upon a mountain top, eyes closed, middle finger and thumbs touching and humming in tune with the heartbeat of Mother Earth. While this picture is quite mystical and beautiful, it is only a snippet of the bigger picture. The most intimidating aspect of this stereotype is the thought that there are no thoughts. A completely silent mind! That is for the meditating superheroes, not me.
If you have attempted meditation in the past, you may have been taught that you have to be in a certain physical position, and your mind has to be completely silent for a successful meditation to occur. While this strategy may work well for certain people, for others it is too daunting to even comprehend, so I thought I would share with you my meditation practice. Keep in mind, I have many children, from toddler to teen. So perhaps, I have an unnatural advantage for staying on task, and also, for zoning shit out.
I was first introduced to meditation at Wise Awakenings. I took an energy body class with Linda and Janet. Subsequently, I have pulled from various practitioners, teachings and my own intuition to develop my current, mediation style. As I learn more and expand my consciousness, my style changes. Yours will too, if you stick with it. Life is a journey, not a destination, remember?
To begin,
Ideally, you would be in a quiet space, sitting in a chair, with your back straight, legs uncrossed, and feet firmly planted on the ground. I do this meditation in my parked car, in the shower, lying in bed, at my son’s basketball practice virtually- anywhere I can get a few minutes and not look too crazy breathing expressively through my nose and exhaling through my mouth. If you have to skip the breathing for medical issues or to not look cray cray, just focus on the visualizations.
Get comfortable. Close your eyes. Set the space, by calling in the Angels. Of course, you can reference whatever higher power feels right to you. I ask Archangel Michael to guard the four corners of the space I am in and to oversee the healing. I ask all my Angels, guides, Saints, and Mother Earth to come forth and assist me. I do this by imaging white, angelic light all around me. For added support, I imagine Mother Earth planting green vines into the soles of my feet- with the vines reaching deep into the rich soil, past rocks and streams until they reach the Earth’s center. After I feel the space is set, I make the intention that this healing is for the highest good of myself and mankind. I do all the breathing exercises in through my nose and out through my mouth.
Red Wheel – Foundational Structures
First, I imagine a spinning wheel at the pelvic area; this wheel is associated with the color red. I make the intention to open this spinning wheel 100%.
While focusing on this red spinning wheel, I take a deep breath in through my nose. I imagine my inhalation as the white cleansing light of Christ (or angels or God) flowing through the spinning red wheel.
On my exhalation through my mouth, I release all blocks, fears and negativity down through the vines, to the center of the Earth for recycling. Sometimes, I see this released energy as the color grey or brown, or even as a person, or as a symbol. My teacher and friend, Jill, creates roses and releases them to the center of the Earth. I do this several times, until I feel like some sort of balance has been restored.
Next, I breathe in the color red to the spinning wheel, and with it, I exhale abundance, stability, security and prosperity into the red spinning wheel.
Truly, you can bring in anything you would like – new career, money, new house, etc. You may also call this manifesting.
The Orange Wheel – Emotional Balance
Second, I focus on the orange spinning wheel by my belly button. I make the intention to open this spinning wheel 100%.
Again, on inhalation, I imagine the white cleansing light of Christ washing through this area. On exhalation, I release all blocks, fears and negativity down through the vines in my feet to the center of the Earth. I do this several times, until I feel some sort of balance has been restored.
Then, I breathe the color orange into the spinning wheel, and with it, I exhale balanced emotions, creativity, inspiration and intuition.
You can bring in other things, too, like peace-if you are having anxiety, courage-if you are feeling fearful, trust-if you need faith and positive energy-if you are feeling down.
Yellow Wheel – Power Center
Third, I focus on the yellow spinning wheel at my solar plexus. I make the intention to open this spinning wheel 100%. Sometimes, I envision a yellow Star of David (or Merkabah).
I use my breath to cleanse the Star with the white cleansing light of Christ. On exhalation, I release all blocks, fears and negativity down through the vines in my feet to the center of the Earth. If you are struggling with something or someone, you can also use your breath to cleanse and release this energy to the center of the Earth for recycling. I do this until I feel some sort of equilibrium has been restored.
Next, I inhale the color yellow, sending it to the Star or wheel. On exhalation, I bring in power, confidence, intelligence and self-control.
You can bring in with your breath other qualities, too, like intuition, God source energy, self-respect and creativity.
Green Wheel – Love Conquers All
Fourth, I move up to my heart space. I imagine a green spinning wheel; sometimes this space is so lively that I see the green energy running down my arms and through my hands. I make the intention to open this spinning wheel 100%.
I inhale the white cleansing light of Christ. I exhale all of my blocks, fears and negativity to the center of the Earth. If someone or some unresolved issue comes up, I see the person or I create a symbol or a color for it and send it through the vines to the center of the Earth for recycling. Usually, we humans have a lot of blocks and unresolved situations that can dwell in this space for a lifetime. For such traumas, release work is important. I do this clearing exercise, using breath, until I feel some sense of balance has been restored.
Next, I bring in the color green with my breath. I feel the color saturating the wheel, but also moving down my arms and hands. With my exhalation, I bring in unconditional love, oneness, gratitude and healing energy. Here I say a prayer that I may be of service and that I may heal so I may help others heal.
Pink High Heart - Infinity Stone
I move to the space between my collar bones. Here I imagine the color pink; sometimes I see a spinning wheel; other times, I see a diamond shape. I cleanse my high heart with the white light of Christ and send all blocks, fears and negative energy to the center of the Earth. On inhalation, I imagine the color pink in this space. On exhalation, I bring in infinite love, infinite oneness, infinite intelligence, infinite creativity and infinite abundance rounding out the lower chakras.
Fifth Wheel – Communication is Key
The space I focus on is the throat area; here, I imagine a sky-blue spinning wheel that also connects to my ears. I make the intention to open this spinning wheel 100%.
I breathe in the white cleansing light of Christ; I exhale all blocks, fears and negative energy to the center of the Earth for recycling. I do this until I feel a measure of balance has been restored.
Next, I inhale the color sky blue into my throat wheel. On exhale, I bring in communication, listening, self-expression and positive energy.
Sixth Wheel – The Art of the Seer
Focus on the space between your eyes, commonly referred to as the third eye. Picture, a spinning indigo-colored wheel. Make the intention to open this spinning wheel 100%.
Inhale the white cleansing light of Christ. I exhale all blocks, fears and negative energy that keep me from seeing the truth. Warning – oftentimes, there are loved ones in this space, too. Do this several times, until you feel clear-headed.
Then, picture the color indigo; breath it in, and on exhale, bring in truth and the ability to see people and things clearly.
Here, you can use this breath exercise to release the past. First, make the intention that you are releasing the past and whatever symbol or person pops up sends it to the center of the Earth for recycling. This way you can more freely create your present moment. You can do this for any spinning wheel. In this space, I picture a lighthouse beacon rotating around my head, removing obstacles and clearing the path. Visualization can assist with manifesting.
Seventh Wheel – God Connection
Imagine a purple spinning wheel above the crown of your head. Make the intention to open this spinning wheel 100%.
Bring in the white cleansing light of Christ with your breath. With your exhalation, release all blocks, fears and negative energy through the vines to the center of the Earth.
After you feel restored, breath in the color purple, and with your exhale, intend unity with God. Here, you can say a special prayer. I often pray to be an instrument of God’s peace, or to fulfill my highest level of creativity while on Earth, or to always walk in the light of the Lord or to be of service.
After my prayer, I imagine the color purple flowing inside my body through all my wheels - uniting them and then, down the vines to the center of the Earth.
I briefly scan the wheels from the root to the crown to make sure they are spinning, working together and feeling aligned. I keep the vines firmly planted in the ground and make an intention for them to stay there.
If I am feeling particularly drained by a person or situation, I ask my guides and angels to bring all my energy from my past, present and future lives back to me. I do this while picturing a yellow ball above my head; some people picture a sun shape. I imagine in this ball that all energy is transmuted and recycled. I ask for my guides and angels to place all my energy in this ball from past, present and future lives. I even call people by name. For example, I call back all my energy from Sam into this ball for transmutation. I imagine seeing the yellow ball fill up. Once I feel I have done a sufficient job, I imagine the yellow ball releasing down through my crown and throughout my entire energy body. This process can take a minute or two. You may use your breath to bring this energy down by visualizing you are inhaling the color yellow from the ball, and upon exhaling, visualize dispersing the energy wherever you feel it is missing in your body.
I ask Saint Michael the Archangel to place a golden shield of protection around me and my family. I picture my physical body shape and then the golden light overlay the purple light from the crown, the indigo light underneath that, the sky-blue light, the green light, the yellow light, the orange light, each light all the way down to the red light. I place each of my loved ones in the gold light, and I say a special prayer for them and whatever issue they are having at the time. I imagine the Earth shielded in this protective light, too. I say a prayer of gratitude to God and the Earth.
This mediation style is interactive. As with anything, take what works for you and flush what does not. Once you develop your own meditation practice, you will surely see an improvement in your life. At night, you may want to close your wheels down to 10%, particularly the crown chakra.
Now a warning - anytime you are working on self-love, stuff can come up from your past or present and put you in a negative headspace; we call these growth spurts. Growth spurts can last a few days or a week. This is the time to reach out to someone for help and guidance, so you do not get stuck. This can be a trusted friend or a healer. You can also try going through your chakras and closing them down to 10% and see if you feel better. Whatever you do, do not stop meditating; try to meditate through it. Once you get through the first growth spurt, you will feel amazing on the other side. Beware-the first few growth spurts or so, are the worst. Remember to stay positive, stay in faith, and bring in positive attributes and release all negativity with love to the center of the Earth for recycling.
Sending away negative feelings and people with love is important for healing. For example, during this meditation, if you have a hater (like an ex, or a former friend or family member that traumatized you) popup, send them away with love. But, do not deny yourself the feeling of the negative emotions either; feel them; then release them with love to the center of the Earth. This may seem impossible – my recommendation - just fake it at first; overtime, if you continue to work on it, you will heal it, and it will no longer bother you… as much. It is in your best interest to work on this; you do not want negative energy stuck in your field. Most likely, this person or situation has taken enough of a toll on you already. So, try saying God Bless you and Goodbye.
P.S. This also ties into the Law of Attraction.
Taking responsibility for your own healing, can only improve everything in your life and in the lives of those in your care. You are more powerful than you realize.
#Substance Abuse, #Mental Illness, #MommyIssue, #Divorce , #Drugs, #Marriage. #OedipusComplex