I dedicate the book and this site
to God, to Mothers, and to codependents,
addicts and any family unit struggling
with mental health issues.
If you or anyone you know struggles with self-harm or substance abuse,
please seek help by calling the SAMHSA 1-800-662-HELP (4357).

The Book - #1 Bestseller
Divorcing Oedipus is a whirlwind page turner about the lives of an American family, struggling with mental illness, power, and greed.
M. Ophelia’s hilarious narrative, about the pitfalls of a wife trying to live her life to please others and getting gobsmacked for her efforts, is a riveting, realistic story of a powerless wife and mother navigating an elitist Alaskan family, who employ their excessive resources to destroy her.
Will she recoil in retreat?
Or will she make lemonade out of lemons?

Author Photo Credit:
Heather Thomas - www.bonaperturephoto.com
#1 Bestselling Author
M. Ophelia currently lives in the Pacific Northwest with her children and her dog, Miss McButter. Ophelia is originally from the Southeast. She has enjoyed a life of adventure, having lived in numerous places in the United States, including Alaska. She graduated with a degree in Political Science, from Western Washington University. However, her passion has always been writing.
Ophelia has written two unpublished novels in addition to “D.O.” She enjoys exploring nature and is an advocate for many charitable causes. She has volunteered and served on the committees of many non-profits. Currently, she is focused on serving others as a healing arts practitioner through the Tree of Life Sanctuary. She is a Universal of Life Church Minister.

M. Ophelia is a #1 Bestselling author,
inspiring speaker and advocate.
As there are several topics with rich content that
M. Ophelia shares with audiences through a
mix of fresh ideas and deep expertise, she
merges energy and enthusiasm to empower
and encourage any audience.
If you are interested in learning more about how
M. Ophelia would be an ideal fit and inspiration
for your audience, please reach out to us today.

Each time a woman
stands up for herself
without knowing it possibly,
without claiming it,
she stands up for all women.